Wednesday, 5 September 2012

More hooping excitement.

Yet another exciting hooping event is happening this week. On Friday I'm heading south to Wainuiomata, near Wellington, for Under The Spinfluence. Just like with my first hooping class, I feel giddy with anticipation and also a wee bit nervous about Under The Spinfluence.
I feel giddy at the thought of being surrounded by other hoopers for two whole days. Two days to dedicate myself to hooping and other fun circus arts such as poi, fire fans, acrobalancing and even a bit of yoga. But the nervousness comes when I realise all those people are complete strangers - and I will be living in close quarters with them for those two days. The camp where all this is happening is in the middle of nowhere, with not even a cellphone signal
But I'm going and I'm stoked about going. I hope to come back full of inspiration! I'm keeping an open mind on what will go down at the workshops ... but I do want to pick up some teaching tips and of course a slew of fancy new hoop moves.
I am naturally a cautious person but when it comes to hooping I seem to have the ability to push through my caution and my fears, and do what needs to be done. I've taught a class and I've been hooping at the Saturday morning market and even though the prospect of both has scared me, I've done them anyway. It's the same with this hooping festival. Feel the fear and do it anyway, and all that.

See you when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. You are truly my craziest sister! But anything that empowers people has to be good. And this camp sounds like fun - have a glorious time! And I hope the weather lets you all play outside :-)

