Saturday 4 August 2012


Hooping is a solitary activity for me, except for the rare occasions I can persuade someone to hoop with me. I often wish I had a community of hoopers to jam with, share tricks with, and enjoy the journey with.

This is something I want to work on over summer, but in the meantime I've joined a Facebook group of hoopers called Hoop30. The idea of Hoop30 is that you hoop for a minimum of 30 minutes per day for 30 days, post something about your practice that day [if you want] and generally support and encourage each other. It certainly doesn't take the place of real life hoop buddies but it is great to be reading about other people's hoop journeys.

The group was started by Alicia and it's private so I can't provide a link to it. However, if you want to join you can message Alicia at her facebook pageand ask her to add you. Get hooping and join in the fun!

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